Musk Ox Farm & Motrec: strength that inspires | Motrec

Musk Ox Farm & Motrec: strength that inspires

The muskox is more than a symbol for Motrec, it epitomizes the main qualities we build into our vehicles: incredible strength, resilience and the ability to adapt to harsh environments.

That is why Motrec proudly contributes to the Musk Ox Farm project. Inspired by amazing animals, the Musk Ox Farm has built a gentle and sustainable agricultural business in Palmer, Alaska, harvesting wool from creatures that once ran with mammoths and sabertooth tigers.

For over more than 50 years, the farm endeavors have contributed to bringing back the muskox from the brink of extinction. The task is not easy and requires a tremendous commitment to the mission of the non-profit.

“Through our common standards of excellence, integrity, and unwavering sense of social purpose we are honored to partner with Motrec. With their solid financial support and their commitment to raising awareness about our project, the Musk Ox Farm has been able to accomplish its highest level of success to date.” — Mark Austin, Musk Ox Farm Director

While the muskox has become an industry-recognized symbol for our company, it also represents common values we share with this project and the team that drives it. We hope to maintain this bond of great importance to the Motrec family for many years to come.



Photography: © Ashley Kinion Farnsworth | Musk Ox Farm