Custom Vehicles - Industrial Trailer for Agriculture & Nurseries | Motrec

Get daily tasks done in less time with a vehicle that’s right at home in a greenhouse: Our narrow electric vehicles are easy to operate in tight aisles and sharp turns, plus their long, strong decks and trailers can carry more per trip. We can even help you customize your vehicle to your specific facilities and tasks—instead of the other way around.

Move quickly & safely

Motrec vehicles may be best known for their highly customizable and low maintenance designs, but above all, they’re incredibly safe and easy to operate. Just check out our long list of standard safety features & no-exaggeration performance abilities.

Move more per trip

Our vehicles are built strong enough to tow several trailers over long distances, narrow enough to turn tight corners, and still stop on a dime. That means you can move more per trip—whether it’s product, refuse or visitors.

Get leaner & greener

Better protect your investment while optimizing feeding, product handling and waste handling operations. Our reliable, low-maintenance zero-emission vehicles can even be adapted for double (or triple) duty.


Custom tow tractor helps public transit agency double productivity

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Success Story

Why Whirlpool Transitioned from Forklift to Tugger… and Never Looked Back

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VW Turns to Motrec & Its Own In‑House Ingenuity to Enhance Factory Tours

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Working Safely 100 Feet Underground

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See which businesses rely on Motrec to improve operational efficiency and ROI.

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