Sustainability | Motrec

Create a safer, healthier environment. Starting with your workplace.

All businesses want to do right by the environment. But they also have to meet their operational goals. Motrec vehicles let you do both. With features like energy-efficient electric motors, regenerative braking systems and zero emissions, our vehicles are a concrete step in the right direction that everyone in the organization can get behind.

A commitment to environmental sustainability that allows you to breathe easy…

  • Cleaner air in the workplace
  • Less noise pollution than internal combustion engines
  • Greater energy efficiency, benefiting the planet and your bottom line
  • No risk of dangerous gas spills

…and improve your bottom line

  • Valuable fuel savings
  • Lower vehicle operating costs
  • Lower total cost of ownership
  • More local spending; less reliance on foreign oil
  • Green branding opportunities with your end customers

Success Story – Multi-Passenger Electric Shuttle

Custom Shuttles for a Natural Visitor Experience

View case study

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