Motrec Warranties Among the Industry’s Best | Motrec

Motrec Warranties Among the Industry’s Best

3-year limited warranty on AC products, stock chasers and trailers. Effective on orders received starting January 1st, 2019

Motrec vehicles are well known for their safe handling and ergonomic designs. But they’re even more famous for their unbeatable ruggedness and reliability. In fact, Motrec vehicles are put to the test in some of the most grueling environments imaginable.

Why are our vehicles so reliable? Among other things, we use high-quality parts and we standardize them across multiple vehicles. We also rigorously test our vehicles.

Motrec customers around the world expect our vehicles to offer long-lasting performance with low maintenance – whether they’re operating a single stock chaser or an entire fleet of fully customized tow tractors.

We’re pleased to announce that our new warranties now reflect this. Starting January 1st, 2019, Motrec will offer the following warranties:

3-year limited warranty on

2-year limited warranty on

  • All Motrec vehicles with DC technology
  • All other Motrec vehicles

“The reason why Motrec has become the leader in electric industrial vehicles is that we work hard to design and build all-but-indestructible workhorses that can deliver long-lasting reliability. Making our warranties among the best in the industry shows just to what extent we stand behind our premium vehicles.”

– Blair McIntosh, President

Want to know more about our Motrec warranties? Visit our warranty page or contact us to speak with a Motrec representative.